
Legal notice

Access, navigation and use of the website tokencrowd.io implies the express and unreserved acceptance by users of the terms indicated in this legal notice. Compliance with what is indicated in these terms will be required of any person who accesses the site or browses through it.
Identification of the person responsible for the website
In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we make the following information available to users who access the website:
  • Identity of the person responsible: Tokencrowd S.L.
  • CIF: B13807367
  • Registered address: C/ Cristobal Bordiu 22, 28003, Madrid
  • Contact email: hello@tokencrowd.io
  • Registration details: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 45226, folio 70, page M-795777.
Purpose of the legal notice
The purpose and object of this legal notice is to regulate access, navigation and use of the website, with the person responsible reserving the right to modify the appearance, content and configuration of the website and the conditions necessary for access and navigation. Once the modifications have been made to the website, access and use of the site will imply acceptance by users of the changes produced. The entity responsible for the website also reserves the right to modify the terms of this legal notice, in whole or in part, and to publish the changes in this same medium and in the additional means that are considered appropriate to inform users. This legal notice will also have the purpose of informing users about their obligations and rights in relation to the content published on the site, as well as regarding the use of brands, logos, images or texts, and about the responsibilities that must be assumed by those access the website and use it.
Data protection
Regarding the data protection policy applied by the person responsible for the website with respect to information with personal data that could be provided by users as a result of their interaction with TokenCrowd through the different contact methods provided on the website, Users can specifically consult what is indicated in the Privacy Policy included on the website.
Intellectual and industrial property
TokenCrowd is the legitimate owner or has the appropriate licenses related to the intellectual and industrial property exploitation rights associated with the website and the content included therein, including texts, logos, brands, photographs, illustrations, drawings, graphics, designs or any other type of content. The possibility for users to access and browse the site will not imply in any case the transmission, waiver or total or partial transfer of TokenCrowd’s rights. Users will have a right of use regarding the contents of the website and as long as it is developed in accordance with the terms indicated in this legal notice. The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs registered, either by TokenCrowd or by third parties, may not be used without the consent of their legitimate owners, and simple access to the website or navigation will not grant users any rights over the contents. included in this. The contents included on the website may not be modified, copied, reproduced, published, transformed or distributed without authorization for public or commercial purposes, in whole or in part, and by any means. The identifying data of the owners of the contents of the website, nor the protection mechanisms incorporated into them, may not be deleted, manipulated or modified. Users will be responsible for any information sent through the means of contact and channels enabled by the website and assume the commitment that they have the right to do so and that in doing so they do not infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties and of that the information transmitted is not confidential nor does it imply the violation of any professional secret or any harm to third parties. Users will be responsible for the accuracy, legality and ownership of any communication made through the means provided on the website and undertake to immediately notify the existence of any illegal or illicit content of which they are aware that could constitute an infringement. of the intellectual property rights of TokenCrowd or third parties. Users who consider that their own intellectual property rights or industrial are being violated by any of the contents of the website, they may contact TokenCrowd by sending an email to the address hello@tokencrowd.io detailing in this all the necessary information related to your claim, and specifically the identity of the claimant, the documents proving ownership, the description of the infringement committed, and the absence of authorization for the use of the rights.
Main commitments and obligations of users
Users of the website are informed, and accept, that simple access to this website does not in any way imply the beginning of a contractual, commercial or professional relationship with TokenCrowd. In accordance with what is indicated, users undertake to use the website and its services and contents without violating current applicable legislation, good faith and public order. The use of the website for illegal or harmful purposes of any kind is prohibited, or that in any way may cause harm to the entity or third parties or prevent the normal functioning of the website. Regarding the contents of the website, it is specifically prohibited:
  • Its reproduction, distribution or modification, total or partial, unless there is authorization from the entity as the legitimate owner of the site
  • Any violation of the rights of the entity as the legitimate owner of the site
  • Its use for commercial or advertising purposes by third parties other than the entity as legitimate owner of the site
When using the tokencrowd.io website, users agree not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of TokenCrowd or third parties, or that could damage, disable or overload the portal or prevent, in any way, the normal use or functioning of the website. Users will be prohibited from using the website to transmit, install or publish viruses, malicious code or any harmful content, program or file, as well as making uses that could be related to hacking, forgery, obtaining passwords or access codes. and any other similar illegal conduct. Users will be prohibited from engaging in any conduct that could prevent the development of any event, activity or functionality available through the website, as well as any alteration or attempted alteration of said events and activities and any of the website’s functionalities that could occur. be related to the activities and purposes of TokenCrowd as the legitimate owner of the website. Users must also take into account that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not completely reliable and that the person responsible for the website cannot guarantee the absence of malware or other elements on the network that could cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the users or in their electronic documents and files contained therein, although the entity has provided the necessary means and appropriate security measures to avoid the presence of these harmful elements.
Security measures
The personal data that may be communicated by users of the website could be stored in automated or non-automated databases, the ownership of which corresponds exclusively to the entity, which has assumed all the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein and in accordance with what is indicated in the current applicable regulations on data protection. Communication between website users and tokencrowd.io is carried out using a secure channel, and the data transmitted is encrypted thanks to https protocols. The best technical security conditions are therefore guaranteed so that user confidentiality is guaranteed at all times.
Platform for conflict resolution
The entity makes available to users the dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission and which is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Links to third party websites
The tokencrowd.io page may provide links to other sites, web pages, channels, social networks and content that are owned by third parties. The sole objective of these links to other sites, pages, channels or social networks is to provide a utility to web users with exclusively informative purposes, and the possibility of accessing websites related to agreements and cocollaborations between TokenCrowd and other entities, such as in the case of links to the websites of public institutions and administrations or in the case of links to websites of collaborating companies and organizations. TokenCrowd is not responsible in any case for the results that may arise for users due to access to the external links referred to when the sites accessed are managed by third parties. The information that may be provided in the indicated links is subject to the specific privacy policies used on said websites, social networks and channels and is not subject to the privacy policy of this website. For this reason, users are recommended to review in detail the specific privacy policies of the linked networks, channels and websites for more information. Any link from other sites to this website will require the express and prior formal authorization of TokenCrowd as the owner and owner of the tokencrowd.io portal.
Links to social networks
TokenCrowd provides users with link means on the website that allow them to access platforms and social networks managed by third parties (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). This type of link functionality does not imply the existence of a commercial relationship between TokenCrowd and these platforms or social networks, nor does it imply the acceptance and approval by the entity of their contents and services, the owner of said platforms and networks being the responsible for said content and services. TokenCrowd will not share in any case with platforms and social networks managed by third parties personal data or confidential information of the users of the website, and they will be responsible for the information they wish to provide to the platforms or social networks, without TokenCrowd intervening in that process. User access to platforms and social networks could involve identification and authentication processes, which are outside of TokenCrowd and are beyond its control, so the entity will not be responsible for the security configuration of said platforms and social networks or of failures or vulnerabilities in your environment. Users acknowledge and accept that TokenCrowd will not be responsible for the content and services that they access on said platforms and social networks, including advertising or promotional content, and will be responsible for the use they make of the content and services, as well as their own information or that of third parties that they share on their own initiative.
Links from third party websites
TokenCrowd does not authorize links to be established to this website from pages that contain or could contain illicit or illegal information or content, and in general any content contrary to laws, morality or public order, or generally accepted social norms. Links to the website from pages managed by third parties will be subject to prior approval by the entity, which, given the impossibility of controlling all the information, content and services that could be included in the linked websites owned by third parties, does not assume no responsibility regarding the contents, products or services of said sites and reserves the right to terminate any agreement related to links from other sites when it considers that they do not comply with the conditions indicated above or that they violate the own interests of TokenCrowd and/or are incompatible with its purposes.
Use of profiles on social networks
TokenCrowd specifically informs about the rights and obligations of users who visit the official profiles that the entity may have on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc. TokenCrowd will not be responsible for the actions of users in certain situations related to their interaction through official profiles on social networks, and they must assume any responsibilities that may arise from said actions, and specifically in relation to the following situations:
  • Of information published on social networks that had not been published or shared by TokenCrowd or that had been published by third parties outside the entity
  • When a social network is not operational due to technical reasons attributable to its owner, third parties or force majeure
  • In the case of modifications to the conditions of use and privacy policies of social networks made by the social network itself, which will be responsible in this case
  • When users publish, disseminate or distribute content that is defamatory, insulting, discriminatory, that incites violence or that e is contrary to laws, morality or public order, fundamental rights and public freedoms
  • When users use social networks to introduce viruses or malicious code
TokenCrowd undertakes to remove any content that is accessible on its social media profiles that is contrary to current regulations, immediately and as soon as it becomes aware of the situation. TokenCrowd may warn and take appropriate measures to suspend and expel or block users who send or disseminate inappropriate content, and may adopt the decision to prevent the use of the social profile indefinitely in cases of repetition of the behavior. TokenCrowd does not guarantee the veracity, reliability, validity and integrity of third-party content uploaded to profiles on social networks and will not necessarily identify with the opinions, recommendations or statements of third parties. It will be the responsibility of users to evaluate the information published on social networks and assume the consequences derived from the decisions made based on that information. TokenCrowd will use its official profiles on social networks to disseminate its activities and purposes and to report on events, projects, acts and matters of general interest.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability
TokenCrowd does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may be caused by: The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the website, or its services and contents due to interference, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections caused by failures in telecommunications lines and networks or by any other cause beyond its control. to control of the entity; The existence of malware, malicious programs or harmful content on the network;
  • Illicit, improper, negligent, fraudulent use or use contrary to the terms included in this Legal Notice;
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties outside the entity and made available to users on the website;
  • Security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the users’ browser or by the use of outdated versions;
  • TokenCrowd is not responsible under any circumstances for any damages that may arise in general from the illegal or improper use of this website
TokenCrowd will not be responsible in general towards users and towards third parties for the acts of any third party outside the entity that involves the performance of activities related to unfair competition, illicit advertising, infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights. , the disclosure of business secrets, the breach of contractual commitments, or the violation of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and one’s own image, or property rights or any other nature. TokenCrowd informs that the relationship that could be formalized with users through the contact channels provided on the website, including user interactions in relation to TokenCrowd’s own efforts and related to the development of its purposes and activities, It is a relationship equal to that which could be established through the physical offices that TokenCrowd may have, and is therefore always subject to the applicable regulations in force.
Website suspension
TokenCrowd reserves the right to suspend, modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access, navigation and use of the website, with or without prior notice, and without users being able to claim any compensation for this reason.
General issues
The temporary validity of the terms of this legal notice will coincide with its publication time and until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the new published terms will apply. TokenCrowd will inform the competent authorities of any violation of current legislation that may be detected or suspicion of the commission of a crime. In the event that any part of the terms included in this legal notice are declared null or inapplicable by any Court, Tribunal or competent administration, the nullity or inapplication will not affect the rest of the provisions and terms of this legal notice. Applicable law and jurisdiction The relations between TokenCrowd and the users of its telematic services present on this website are generally subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and to the courts of the Community of Madrid. To clarify which If you have any questions or make a query about the legal conditions described in this text, users can contact hola@tokencrowd.io Legal notice updated dated May 30, 2024